From our family to yours.
Good Natured Hedgehogs GNH
to claim your hedgehog now
Basic Care :
"Good natured Hedgehogs" : Our Diet and Nutrition for hedgehogs and Our housing Set Up
Please, note: this is just our Current Opinion of a good diet for a hedgehog.
It is not intended to replace a consultation with a licensed veterinarian who regularly treats hedgehogs.
We feed our hedgehogs:
* "PURINA ONE" Cat Chow - Naturals Plus Vitamins & Minerals Cat Food
* "Fancy Feast" - Grilled Liver & Chicken Feast in Gravy
* Live Crickets and Live Mealworms (SMALL)
We use Plastic Containers to house our animals
NOTE: If the lid needs to be left on then a lot of holes will need to be drilled into the sides and top of the container to provide adequate circulation.
We use Feline Pine for bedding: Original Multi-Cat Formula Cat Litter, 20 Lb - KILN-dried, (process that bakes out potentially harmful oils)
We use bird cup for under our Small water bottles to keep bedding dry and for food
We remove the sitting stick from a bird cup, so the hedgehog’s feet won't get stuck there.

What Should I Feed Him and How Much? Although there are hedgehog foods available in stores, dry cat and kitten formulas are equally good choices. Whatever commercial food you choose should be supplemented by a variety of other foods such as vegetables, mealworms and crickets, cooked meats and fruit and vegetables. However none of these should be fed as anything more than a treat 3 or 4 times a week. The dry food should be the staple. While the dry food can be fed free choice to all but the more obese hedgehogs, the supplements should be offered for no more than 15 minutes and then removed.
Care and Management: When you bring you new hedgehog home, place him in his new cage and let him have absolute privacy for at least a day. You may pick him up and hold him once or twice for a few minutes the first day, but remember, it will probably be more like a week before he begins to feel at home.
Baby hedgehogs need quite a bit of sleep the first month after they come home with you, so don't be too concerned if he sleeps a lot at first.

Heat: Place your hedgehogs new home in a comfortable, warm, well lit area that is free of drafts and direct sunlight. They are most comfortable at temperatures of between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. (23-29 degrees Celsius) The basic rule of thumb is, if you are comfortable without a sweater, they will do just fine. The 100W heat emitter is the best value and has the most flexibility with use when using a wire cage. The lamp can be raised or lowered to increase or decrease the heat. Wire cages require more heat because the heat is not confined as compared to an aquarium with the same dimensions.
Fleece sleeping bags are warm and snuggly and most hedgehogs enjoy them.
Igloos made from hard plastic are another great cage addition.
The litter pan should have an entrance low enough for the hedgehog to easily climb in, and should be large enough for the hedgehog to climb in and turn around.
Watch for signs that they are going to begin to eliminate and then place them in their litter pan. When your hedgehog stops moving and points its tail up – get ready. Not all hedgehogs instantly use the litter pan, but don't give up. With a little coaching on your part it may be persuaded.
Place droppings inside the pan to help clue in the hedgehog where it should go.
Plastic Containers: if the lid is to be left on then the clear kind would be needed because the solid ones would be too dark with the lids on. The lid can be left off as long as there are no other animals or young children that will harass the hedgehog or eat its food. If the lid needs to be left on then a lot of holes will need to be drilled into the sides and top of the container to provide adequate circulation. If the lid is left off then the sides must be at least 12” high to prevent the hedgehog from climbing out and it should have solid, slippery sides. Also make sure that they can not climb on any other cage accessories such as the hiding place or an exercise wheel if it were to get jammed, thus, enabling the hedgehog to climb out.
Wire cages that are made with the molded plastic tray at the bottom and the wire top that snaps on. These are easy to clean and the bottom will not rust out like wire cages with metal trays. They provide the best possible ventilation and they also provide easy viewing of your hedgehog
Beware of a cage related dangers. Modify your cage to be “unclimbable”.
20 gallon long tank would be the minimum size that should be used for a single hedgehog. Hedgehogs can pace and rub their noses to the point of bleeding. If this occurs, it is recommended to tape a solid, thick paper, poster board, or cardboard around the lower outside part of the aquarium about 5 - 6 inches high. This prevents the hedgehog from being able to see out of the aquarium and, thus, prevents the pacing that leads to the nose rubbing.
BEDDING: Aspen, Kiln dried Pine or White shavings
(NOT CEDAR!) are by far the best choice for bedding material.

You Should Know
Hedgehogs are allergic to some foods some materials bad for them and some pet accessories are dangerous for them. Here are some but please do your own research.
Some dogs can kill a hedgehog.
They are allergic to grapes, chocolate, cow milk …
Never use bedding, tings, toys made of CEDAR or fresh pine .
Check your accessories for possible trap : hedgies can get their feet stuck.
Materials that can loose a thread or human hair can wrap around their to toes and they will loose toes.
Never live your hedgehog unattended shadows can move and direct sunlight can cause death.

When you're adopting a hedgehog:
• First of all hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal animals.
* Their quills are very, very sharp and it’s there first weapon of defense.
* Hedgehog needs to be kept warm (ideal is 75-85* Fahrenheit). You must have an appropriate heat source before you take one home.
* Baby hedgehogs will defecated and urinated on you often until they get older.
* Hedgehogs are by nature solitary creatures and will never actively seek your attention.
* All animals including hedgehogs get sick, injured, or develop problems that will need to be treated by a knowledgeable veterinarian. Please consider finding one before something urgent happens.
* Although this is relatively uncommon, hedgehogs as anything with teeth can and may bite you. (see picture above)
*Colors Hedgehog will not develop its true color until six months of age (after quilling- when the hedgehog loses its baby quills and new quills fill in).
* If you cannot afford to care for your hedgehog the best thing for the hedgehog will be is: to return it to .
Good Natured Hedgehogs for proper care and/or medical attention.
* Please understand that a hedgehog should not be unsupervised around a child under the age of 9.
* If you want a hedgehog for breeding purposes you will have to meet the minimum requirements to obtain a breeder license from USDA.
* Purchasing a hedgehog is up to you to do as much research as possible before bringing a hedgehog into your life.
*Please do research and make sure that this is the kind of pet you want before committing to ownership.
* A health certificate is available if you wish. The fee for it is to be paid 3 weeks prior to ownership.
This option is available to anyone who asks.
*Colors Hedgehog will not develop its true color until six months of age (after quilling- when the hedgehog loses its baby quills and new quills fill in).